Today in North Dakota History

September 28

1797 Canadian fur trader Charles Jean Baptiste Chaboillez began construction of a trading post at Pembina - the third such post to be built at the junction of the Pembina and Red Rivers.

1949 J.F.T . O'Connor, one-time Grand Forks lawyer who served as U.S. Comptroller of Currency under Franklin D. Roosevelt, died in Los Angeles.

1875 Largely as a result of successful bonanza farms in the Red River Valley, the Northern Pacific Railway was reorganized on this date. Through sale of Valley lands, the NP was enabled to resume its westward rail construction.

1916 William Jennings Bryan spoke before a crowd estimated at more than 3,000 at the Grand Forks city auditorium, climaxing a day of nine speeches in North Dakota in support of the Democratic ticket.

1941 The Duke and Duchess of Windsor crossed North Dakota in a Soo Line train, en route to their ranch at Calgary, Alberta.

1965 University of North Dakota enrollment topped 6,000 for the first time in history.

September 28, 1797

Canadian fur trader Charles Jean Baptiste Chaboillez began construction of a trading post at Pembina -- the third such post to be built at the junction of the Pembina and Red Rivers.

September 29, 1951

Charles L. Robertson Lignite Research Laboratory dedicated at Grand Forks.

September 29

1886 Jamestown College opened its doors for students.

1900 William Jennings Bryan delivered a presidential campaign speech before an estimated 5,000 persons in the Grand Forks baseball park.

1951 The Charles R. Robertson Lignite Research Laboratory, named for the late North Dakota congressman, was dedicated at Grand Forks by Secretary of the Interior, Oscar Chapman, and Bureau of Mines Director, James Boyd.

1952 President Harry Truman made a whistlestop train campaign tour across North Dakota on behalf of Adlai Stevenson, the Democratic nominee for President.

1966 A $500,000 judgment, the largest in North Dakota history, was granted in federal court at Grand Forks to Shane Stromsodt, 7, Grand Forks, for retardation caused by inoculation with a drug manufactured by Parke Davis & Co.

September 30

1873 The Seventh Cavalry, commanded by Gen. George A. Custer, moved into quarters at Fort Abraham Lincoln, south of Mandan.

1886 William Langer, the 17th and 21st governor of North Dakota 1933-34 and 1937-38 and U. S. senator 1941-59, was born in Casselton.

1913 First classes were held at Minot State College, then known as the State Normal School at Minot.

1918 The Grand Forks American, a daily newspaper owned by the Nonpartisan League, published its first edition. It continued to publish until March 30, 1920.

1919 Governor William L. Guy was born in Amenia, North Dakota

September 29, 1952

President Harry Truman whistle-stopped through North Dakota.

September 30, 1886

William Langer born at Casselton.

October 1, 1801

A fur trading post was completed on the north side of the "Panbian River" and called "Fort Panbian." The name later was changed to Pembina.

1895 Fort Buford Military Post was abandoned.

October 1, 1889

A state constitution was adopted. Just a month later North Dakota was admitted to the Union as the 39th state.

October 1, 1889

In an election on this date, North Dakota voted to enter the Union as a dry state by the narrowest of margins. At the time there were 10 breweries and one distillery in the state.

October 2, 1883

Cornerstone laid at Grand Forks for first building for higher education in North Dakota. The building later became known as "Old Main."

October 2, 1954

Dedication of oil refinery at Mandan marked the beginning of a fully integrated petroleum industry within the state.

October 4, 1937

President Franklin D. Roosevelt dedicated new fairgrounds grandstand at Grand Forks.

October 5, 1918

The North Dakota Supreme Court overruled its own previous decision and held that the initiative and referendum amendment to the state constitution was self- executing, this clearing the way for popular initiation of laws.

October 6, 1884

The short-lived Medora to Deadwood stagecoach was inaugurated by the Marquis de Mores.

October 8, 1913

University of North Dakota canceled classes, supposedly for one day; closing period ultimately stretched to January 6, 1919, because of influenza epidemic.

October 8, 1932

U.S. Vice President Charles M. Curtis dedicated cornerstone of new $2 million Capitol building at Bismarck.

October 8, 1932

The cornerstone fo the new $2 million Capitol building was dedicated by Vice President Charles M. Curtis.

October 10, 1910

Statue of Sakakawea dedicated on Capitol grounds at Bismarck.

October 11, 1959

KTHI- TV Fargo- Grand Forks, began broadcasting.

October 11, 1940

State staff of North Dakota National Guard ordered into federal service.

October 15, 1890

NDAC -- now NDSU -- held first classes.

October 20, 1952

Ground was broken at Rolla for the Turtle Mountain Ordnance Plant, the nations only jewel bearing factory.

October 20, 1818

Portion of North Dakota drained by Red and Mouse Rivers ceded to U.S. by England.

October 21, 1909

Sen. Martin N. Johnson died in office.

October 23, 1877

Fort Abercrombie abandoned.

October 25, 1804

Lewis and Clark expedition arrived at first Mandan village in what now is North Dakota. (Some sources list October 13 as arrival date.)

October 26, 1875

Captain Alexander Criggs filed plat of original town site of Grand Forks.

October 27, 1847

John Palliser, Irish sportsman, later to gain renown for his Canadian exploration, arrived at the American Fur Company's Fort Union for a year of hunting. His year is recounted in a volume entitled "The Solitary Hunter."

October 28, 1921

Governor Lynn J. Frazier recalled.

November 1, 1881

Grand Forks Herald began publication as daily newspaper.

November 1, 1926

Queen Marie of Rumania visited Bismarck.

November 2, 1889

U.S. President Harrison admitted North Dakota to statehood. John Miller took office as first governor.

November 3, 1914

A.J. Gronna became first U.S. senator from North Dakota elected by popular vote.

November 3, 1914

North Dakota Constitution amended to permit initiative and referendum.

November 3, 1894

The University of North Dakota held its first intern-collegiate athletic contest a football game with North Dakota Agricultural College. The latter won 20-4, but UND protested use of a professor it classed as a professional player.

November 3, 1804

Lewis and Clark Expedition started construction of their winter encampment, Fort Mandan, across the Missouri in the vicinity of present-day Washburn. The fort was named for the friendly tribe of Indians that had villages nearby.

November 6, 1956

John E. Davis of McClusky, a Republican, was elected North Dakota's 25th governor. He served through 1960.

November 9, 1889

Carl Ben Eielson, pioneer aviator and native of Hatton, died on a mercy flight off Alaska's Bering Coast.

November 12, 1892

C.L. Taft was elected mayor of Northwood at its first municipal election.

November 14, 1925

Gerald P. Nye appointed to U.S. Senate vacancy.

November 17, 1879

First issue of North Dakota's first daily newspaper, the Argus, was published in Fargo.

November 19, 1889

The first North Dakota Legislature convened at Bismarck. It was this body that established a 60-day limit for subsequent legislatures, a ruling still in effect.

November 19, 1872

Name of Fort McKeen changed to Fort Abraham Lincoln.

November 20, 1804

Lewis and Clark Expedition moved into winter camp at Fort Mandan.

November 21, 1889

North Dakota Legislature elected Gilbert A. Pierce as state's first U.S. senator.

November 21, 1921

Governor R.A. Nestos took office after recall of Governor Frazier.

November 24, 1968

Montana-Dakota Utilities Co. dedicated its new headquarters building at Bismarck, after transferring its home office from Minneapolis.

December 1, 1890

Mayville State Teachers College opened.

December 3, 1920

Ivanhoe Chapter of DeMolay at Grand Forks, North Dakota's first chapter of the organizational the nation's 14th, received its "letters Temporary" preliminary to official chartering the next month.